Thursday, 10 July 2014

How Ty Sees it #2

Tys second week at Niwas we would call,  a wonderful experience from our end.  We were really excited to be able to have him here on his 13th Birthday.  We had some wonderful conversations about yoga, life and putting full heart into tasks with no expectations.  also known as karma yoga.  this is what he had to say about it.

What i learnt.
this being my second stay at Niwas i learnt Karma Yoga that seemed to give me a whole new perspective of things near and around me that happen or take place.i also learnt how to milk goats and work with things that might be challenging for me. i helped with some oven work and some tree work.

what i enjoyed.
This week i enjoyed celebrating my birthday with niwas and staying on the path of learning about animals plus how to do things right. i also really enjoyed reading the book i am borrowing from Shivani, the books title is "Grand Father".

what did i do?
At Niwas i milked goats, helped with a bit of yard/tree work, household cleaning, our daily animal routine and achieving what i could. i also spent my thirteenth birthday at Niwas and was treated with care as always.

what did i find challenging?
This stay at Niwas some things i found challenging were knowing what tool is needed for the job and not putting myself down.

What would i like to do/ see next week?
Next week i would like to be more involved with learning about plants and animals and how i can continue to embrace all of me.

Monday, 7 July 2014

As Ty sees it... #1

So this year us at Niwas having taken on a "Youth Yoga and Farm Internship".  This is a partime internship of 2-3 nights/week where we have a local youth come and explore life at niwas.  Learn skills for the workplace, work ethic, and self exploration,  not to mention play and pancakes every now and then too!

Skills that Ty engaged with on his first week at niwas was Cheese Making (Mozerella),  Farming skills and animal care, bread making,  kitchen skills,  the community farmers market - public interactions and representation, as well as recieving a personal yogic practice to be done morning and night.  

We have asked Ty to write a few words each week to 

This is what he had to say this week....

What did you learn this week? 

Ishtadev niwas taught me the real feeling of what it is like to come from a town where the energy is just so crazy or so packed, to seeking a place that really allows you to look at what mother nature has to give. I am learning that life already gives people what we need if we trust in it so why do we insist on needing more.  I learned this lesson in all of the intern tasks I am doing.

What did  you enjoy?

I enjoyed coming to Ishtadev Niwas because of the energy change you feel - I feel it immediately when I come to the property.  I am able to focus better and feel like a fire has been calmed. Ishtadev Niwas is really anything you could ask for and provides everything that you need. When you really allow yourself to take in whats going on and your surroundings, you really see the great parts of life.

What did you do?

On this stay at ishtadev Niwas I learned about how to take care of the animals and the basics of farm life.  Paramjyoti also said that I have to learn the basics before I can learn to do the rest, like with tools - I need to learn the names of tools before I can learn to build with them. Ishtadev Niwas gave me interest in using less to do so much more and how effective that is for us and our animals as well. I also did a new yoga practice each day that was just the best thing for me. The practice kept me calm for the day and calm for the night, I do this practice in the morning and night every day and I find it helps me be a better person and gives others around me a good day.

What did you find challenging?

A few things I found challenging at Ishtadev Niwas were getting used to the routine right away and staying away from the cute animals so I could get my job done! Although I like the idea, it is still difficult getting comfortable to the life that offers us more and costs less - this life can be challenging but rewarding.

What am I looking forward to?

I am looking forward to seeing the place progress and what it will become and how I can be a part of that. I look forward to working with Ishtadev Niwas and what it has to give me and really I just look forward to more that I can learn in this summer internship!

We are very much looking forward to the coming months with Ty, to help him, support him,  and give him the platform to create some great skills, interesting experiences and confidence to take into his 13th year with him. 

welcome ty!