Monday, 19 January 2015

is less more?

as i sit here today with 4+ projects on the go i can honestly say my mind is not on the frequency of "poetry".  im in logistics mode.

This afternoon, between meetings,  my time is in designing Devi Kutir,  the tiny house on a trailer that Paramjyoti and I plan to live in during retreat season.

our whole lives we have be told to strive for bigger, cause "bigger is better", right?  its what society values.  yet how do you squeeze 2 adults, and a 5 year old into a building that is 10x24 + a loft?  what is really worth the space?  if only we asked the same question for insides of our mind.  or in our minutes of the day.  what is really worth the time?  how much junk is and can be crammed in there i wonder???

its going to be a wonderful experiment.  for me its 2.0  for i feel the first experiment was in 2012 when we lived in a 16' camper for 5 months...   but in hind sight,  it was one of the best 5 months of our lives.  There was a togetherness, and a contentment in the simplicity.  i wonder if living in Devi kutir will have the same effect?  do we need to have less to realize more?  does through living with less give us the tools to be non attached to the things we have when we do have them? what jewels of life are hiding under all that stuff?

cause really, "the teaching" is non attachment.  that is where freedom lies, where happiness lies.  but is it possible to go from being attached to stuff, to non attached?  or do we need a direct experience of having not much to give us the tools to not become attached when we are re introduced to an abundance of things?   similarly to thoughts,  can we go from identification with negative thought forms, to non attached thought forms?  or do we need to go through the door of positivity before we can get there?

time will tell, and experience will show,  the fruits of the tree we have planted here to grow.  :)

have a great day!

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