Friday, 10 January 2014

This weeks Ity is.....

So last week our Ity was Simplicity.  In some ways this was fairly easy for me, as we live a fairly "simple" life here at Niwas.  Until the water pipe froze, and outwardly it seemed to get complicated, and yet,  there was a part of me that said. "You lived for 5 months with no running water.  Just do that again."  and my internal response to the problem seemed again to be inwardly - simple.  Even if the outside needs extra planning, extra actions, and complicated organization of getting water bottles etc.

It seems to me, that a mind of Simplicity dose not denote that life is uneventful.  But it does seem to me to parallel with the teaching of Non-doer-ship.  To identify with doing an action is to create karma,  to perform that action with the attitude of non-doer-ship, to be a medium for the Divine, (to the best of your ability) really takes the pressure off the "success/failure" paradigm that the ego likes to bind itself too.  When things go sideways from an outside perspective, we then look for the blessing, see the experience as a gift.  and then let go to the perfection in the moment...  for it is not us doing this after all. This pattern of relation to situations is indeed, Simple.

So this weeks Ity. is...... Nobility.

Sivananda's Definition is... NOBILITY
"Shun mean-mindedness as dung and poison. Never look into the defects of others. Always appreciate the good qualities of everyone. Be dignified in bearing. Never stoop to ignoble thoughts, words and actions."

Here we go!

Please comment below on either your experience of simplicity or thoughts on nobility below!

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