we realized the amount of power we yield as a humans, that
every word we ever think, let alone speak, forms ripples that create
our reality, hopefully, we would stop talking the amount of garbage
we do.
3D reality birth is through the portal of Swadhisthana chakra. It is
through the waters that we come screaming into this world.
Swadhisthana is the home of emotion, the right to feel. These
feelings, conscious and unconscious, are the waves upon which we
filter our perception of reality; being highly emotional, leads to
big waves. No one can see the clear picture of the reflected moon
when the water is too choppy. Embodying equanimity and transcending
the pull of emotional reactions allows the water to calm.
does not mean you do not have emotions, or express them, it means you
allow them to flow from the perspective of the witness. This
enables you to clearly see the reflection of the moon (the mind)
and accurately discern this 3D reality we are born into. It
is our identification of these emotions as real that creates the
waves that distorts our perception of truth and makes our reality.
has a twin, a mirror, Vishuddhi chakra, the throat, which is the
portal into the 5D reality. All portals reflect one another. This is
why the practice of mantra is so important. Mantra purifies and
refines the frequencies of the mind, through the portal of words,
both mentally and verbally, which in turn purifies the portal of the
emotions. It's as though the Sanskrit words used in mantra are a
flush of clean steam, that then condense into water and aid in the
purification of our emotions. What is happening in one centre
of perception is mirrored in the other.
translated as 'fine speech', is the boon to be able to speak things
into manifestation. That means: what you speak, you manifest. The
higher frequency of vibration you can embody the faster and clearer
your words will become manifest. This is why it is experienced so
often as yogic masters say something, and boom, there it is! For
those of us who not embody that higher frequency, it still happens
(but luckily) with less punch, and more time delays. It is extremely
important however to well work the muscle of speech- manifestation
before you get to the mastery stage.
I write this I am frustrated that we choose to be so careless with
our words. We profess unconditional love, rainbows and intentions in
one sentence, only to spew how we hate someone we have never met in
the next. We use our language passive aggressively, thinking that it
is non violent. I disagree - it is violent.
are some “key” words to avoid when we choose to more
consciously communicate at higher vibrations. Over time I have
watched my own experience of matching my choice of words, with the
filter of my feelings at that time. Upon reflection, if I’m upset,
even though I may seem happy to the outside world, my words reflect
the true perspective I’m functioning from. We never speak violently
to ourselves or others when we are in a true state of love.
you feel the need to say to yourself or someone else that they
“should” be doing something... Stop. And ask yourself, “Who am
I to proclaim that someone should do something? Can I see their
karma? Their dharma? Do I fully understand why the other person is
acting in this way? Am I coming from a place of judgment to the
current situation?” Chances are, if you really do understand and
see a situation from a high vibration perspective, should
won’t be how you phrase your advice. If you need to use should
you may benefit by checking your own motives.
is a word people like to describe one thing, and one thing only;
their own discontentment. When manipura chakra is out of balance, and
discontentment is clouding how we see the current moment, not as the
gift it is, (that’s why it’s called the present) but as something
less than perfect, then we come to just. For example “if I could
JUST have this, I would be happy” “If you could JUST stop doing
that I wouldn’t get so angry” JUST means you’re not looking at
your own part in your discontentment, instead you are trying to
project it onto something outside of yourself.
many people describe their situation as “I’m struggling with...”
and my answer is always the same. “Well of course you are...” If
your perspective is that you’re struggling, then there’s little
hope. Struggling is like drowning, you’re all but given up and
you’re looking for someone else to swoop in and save you.
if, instead of struggling, you were challenged?
To be challenged by a situation that is causing you discomfort, means
you have not given up. It means you’re rolling up your sleeves and
you’re going for it. There’s success, a transformation, an
opening within reach. Changing this one little word, from struggle to
challenge is a small and easy way to shift an overwhelming problem
into an opportunity for growth.
It’s simple,
you say you can't, then you won't. Evolution does not happen if you
don’t get out of your own way and be open to ‘what if?’ Can’t,
stops the flow of energy regardless what the topic is. “I can't
understand” at a higher vibration becomes “I would like to
understand but its challenging me”. “I can’t do that” becomes
“I don’t currently see how that would work, but I’m open to
lot of manifestation and communication is about flow. Flow is
something you might not always be able to see, but every word you say
definitely guides, aids or hinders the process. In a conversation
saying “but” completely negates whatever the other person has
just said, and implies that you are right. Many times it has the air
of: “I’m not actually digesting or hearing what you’re saying,
because I want to put my opinion to you again so you can agree”.
we turn “but” into “and”,
there is flow. And, does not negate what has already been offered, it
simply adds and offers more, or something different into the mix so
the flow can continue.
is a part of life, suffering is optional. To speak about yourself as
suffering will only prolong the experience deemed unpleasant. “I’m
suffering from a cold” says that it’s you against the cold and
the cold is winning. But what if a cold was a gift of purification
for higher knowledge? (the sinuses – ajna chakra) Would you
interact with the experience differently? Yes, you may be
uncomfortable, but to suffer, is to miss the point.
we are interested in evolving, then we need to up our game, not just
on our yoga mat, but in our life. We need to be able to give
ourselves every opportunity to bring in and embody as much light as
possible. To bring more awareness to the words we speak, and to speak
what we truly want to manifest, will allow us to make leaps and
bounds towards embodying the beings we truly are. Amazing.
how you feel and own
how you feel. Don’t project it to be someone else’s problem.
Manifest the life you want with your thoughts and From this place
speak your truth.Your reality will change, like magic.
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