Friday, 20 December 2013

The Chaos in the Shrimp Glumbo

As we step into the Winter Solstice tomorrow everything seems well... a bit dark.

Seems that this last full moon on Tuesday morning has been fairly intense for people... either directly or once removed.

People I know directly have been somewhat displaced with illness, car accidents, family members diagnosed with cancer, friends about to pass over, relationship arguments, workplace upheaval to name just a few.

I myself seem to be in a bit of a funk.  Trying to find the balance between not wallowing, but not suppressing either... being OK with the ebb in the flow.  Im trying to watch it,  but my husband says i'm eating too much 'Shrimp Glumbo'.

Regardless of whether or not the outside world seems to be in chaos,  the inside world, mentally, emotionally is defiantly asking to be purified.  To let go of the bitter heart, the illusion of attachment, and needing for things to be other than they are.   Remembering that the outside is but a mirror image of the inside reality.

Seems to me my soul is asking for a balm of simple pleasures, a mantra, a song, a few words of kindness, given, and received.

On the outside we crave the sunlight, but on the inside we need to seek the path to Divines light.  That is eternal, no seasons, no ebb, always flowing...

But how to do we get there?  How do we find that quiet, peaceful content place inside in amongst the chaos?  Gratitude,  thats where I start.  Its the TNT that cracks the wall of despair.  Because sometimes even on the darkest days, the light is there.  Its there, you just need to close your eyes to see it.

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