Wednesday, 1 January 2014

An Ity bit of effort goes a long way...

Well here we are for the 1st January 2014.  And while i'm a fan of resolutions/sankalpas I think its all too easy to say you will do something, and not follow through.   I, you, we all need accountability to help us stay the course and follow through on something.  So you, this blog, is my accountability for my sankalpa.

This year I thought it would be great to take a journey through Sw. Sivananda's 18 Ities starting with today, and having a new one every week until i'm through all 18.  You too are welcome to join me, in fact, it would be great to compare notes at the end of the week (Wednesdays) to see what our experience is.  After all, its not about getting something right or wrong in your life, its about bringing more awareness to qualities that can aid us in our development as humans, as evolving souls.

So i have a set of Ities, much like angel cards.  and this week I have pulled SIMPLICITY.

Simplicity, to me, is about paring down an intention, an experience, until all that is left is what is really important.  Most of the time what is important to start with isn't what we think it is when we start.

It can mean being more present, in the moment,  only doing one task at a time.  (hard for a mama sometimes).
It can mean pulling out the quality in a task (kindness, compassion, honest...) and putting all our energy into fulfilling that quality. Watching in the process how many of the actions we thought that task needed just melt away...

Ive often watched at how the mandates of spiritual life simplify as we walk further down the road.  We start with all these techniques, ideas... only to find that to SERVE, LOVE, GIVE is the way.  It simply is that...  not saying that it is always easy.  but it is simple.

Do you make tasks more difficult, more complicated than they need to be?  for one week, can we shine a light on it? make new choices and see what happens?

So heres to a week of simplicity.  Simple eating, simple actions, simple intentions...

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