Thursday, 4 September 2014

labyrinth day 4. - Creativity, Sex, Love and God.

hi sweet one.

yes... today has been sweet.

we have baked bread since first thing this morning, for tonights market.  and although the oven has been too cool and we have had to refire it a few times,  it has gone very smoothly.

days like today when things click i wonder "what makes today different"?

i listened to a great interview on Q the other day with Jian and the lead singer from bleacher,  Jack Antonoff.  and i was really comforted but what he said about his experience of anxiety, and how that when the creative flow is flowing,  you just gotta go with it.   (for full interview click here - totally worth it... and great music.

and it got me thinking about Creativity, Sex, Love and God.  maybe or maybe not in that order.  and i started to think about my experience of frequencies that i have when i feel connected to the Divine/God, like today, and frequencies where i don't, like the last few days.    and im starting to think they all might be closer in connection than i originally realized.  now, im not saying that every-time i experience sex, put pen to paper, or sing,  i feel closer to god,  however, i do think there is a portal there,  a glimpse of something transcendent.

It is this same glimpse that i feel when i feel like writing poetry (im not saying its good poetry, but it comes from a place that is in the creative frequency), its the same glimpse when i look at narayan or paramjyoti and think,  "holy hell, how did i get so lucky"?  That really,  in each of these experiences what i am experiencing is the portal to the divine, i am experiancing gods love, through that human moment.  Its that connection that i crave,  that i sometimes wonder is it worth living without it?

its what keeps me going.  and it dosnt have to be all of them either,  somedays its singing to the divine through kirtan,  or even singing bb king that brings it through (one of the most holy of concerts i have ever been to).  sometimes its writing, or before my family it would be through painting.  sometimes its through making love.  opening to love, being love.  often,  like an organism,  its the build up to the creative burst that actually is more tantalizing than the grand event.   This,  is the root teaching of tantric sex,  to use this sexual energy to create that portal, and use it to experience god rather than the humanness of desire.

but today as i walked Ma Labyrinth (and suddenly wondering about the connection to the word Labia) i couldn't help but chant the Maha Mantra all the way around.  through pure joy.  i couldn't help but do so.   today, wether its looking at the wonder that is narayan,  writing this blog, or singing the name of krishna, that today... contentment reigns, connection is felt, and gratitude exudes.  i feel alive.

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